By: Donald V. Watkins
Copyrighted and Published on July 12, 2024

I started my journalism career on July 14, 2013 with an article on the wrongful death of Trayvon Martin in Florida. I used Facebook as my free news distribution platform. My Trayvon Martin article, which was shared 44 times, had less than 300 viewers.
By 2018, my readership had grown to the point where I needed my own news website and the freedom to publish content without the risk of Facebook censorship. This is when I launched
Two things have happened since this website was launched. First, my readership has grown to over 260,000 readers per month. Second, my Facebook page drives less than 10% of the Internet traffic that feeds this website.
Access to this website is free and publicly available. There is no pay-wall for print or video content on the website. Furthermore, we do not sell our Google analytical data to anyone.
I will continue to co-publish my news articles, editorials, and investigative reports on my Facebook page, but I will use Facebook primarily for news of state and local interest. This publication change is effective immediately.
Since January 2024, I have been flooded with unsolicited offers to: (a) place ads on my website, (b) implement and manage subscription fees for access to news content, and (c) publish third-party articles for a fee. All three revenue-generating offers have been summarily rejected.
With a library of over 1,000 copyrighted news articles, editorials, and exclusive investigative reports, we can easily increase our readership to well over 500,000 per month across all four of my interactive digital media platforms by the end of 2025. Readers around the world are accessing these articles -- for free -- 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. We can track the readership for each article.
Our articles cover a wide range of issues of significant public interest in America and abroad. My leading articles detail the Royal Bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene and profile the Rothschild family's banking empire. Over 510,618 readers have viewed these two articles, alone.
Our readership has transformed from a mostly Black audience in 2013 to a mostly Caucasion one today. This audience is economically diverse, global in scope, very sophisticated, and extremely loyal.
We Represent the Future of Multimedia Digital News
We have come a long way since November 7, 1999, the date upon which the Birmingham News (known today as published a racist cartoon encouraging then-Birmingham Mayor Bernard Kincaid to squash me to death, as though I was a blood-sucking insect.

As you can see, the News published the same kind of racist cartoon on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1967. Four years after white supremacists killed four little girls in the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, the News deliberately and falsely portrayed the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize winner as a very violent man.

We survived this form of Old South, Alabama-based racism, and much worst from the guardians of white supremacy in the state. They simply can't help themselves. As the ultra-conservative U.S. Supreme Court affirmed on June 8, 2023, the guardians of this kind of racial hatred thrive on keeping Alabama's Black citizens downtrodden, "from the cradle to the grave."
Today, the Birmingham News/ is just another one of those dying media organizations that peddles favorable news coverage for cash. We leave the "bought" news and "Happy News" operations to and other "pay-to-spin" news media hustlers.
There is a thirst for independent, un-spun news coverage on domestic and international matters of significant public interests. We are working to position our digital news platforms to quench this thirst. We are off to a great start in this regard.
We are committed to bringing our readers hard news, high-quality editorials, and solid investigative reports that are informative and free of spin. We can only do so by remaining “unbought” and “unbossed.”
I am amazed how well you're able to collect documented facts on historical events occurred way back in time. Most major journal agencies have experienced difficulty gathering such data even with excellent inside connection.
Hearing about your latest success is exubrating, and I couldn't be more proud.
I can make one comment. You have great inside connections. Some if these stories are as if you had a time warp into the future and came back to present time to publish. Of course this is exaggeration, but people seem to trust that you will not expose them as an inside source, which allows you to report stories before they hit mainstream media.