By: Donald V. Watkins
Copyrighted and Published on August 22, 2021
On April 15, 2019, I published an investigative article titled, "The Uncomfortable Truth About America's Immigration Laws." The article examined the birth of white entitlement in America and documented the widespread white racism that is embedded in the nation's immigration and naturalization laws.
In his book, Mein Kampf, Nazi Führer Adolf Hitler praised America as the "global leader in racist immigration laws." Hitler openly praised America as the only nation that had "made progress toward the creation of a healthy racist order of the kind the Nuremberg Laws were intended to establish."
One of the ugliest episodes of racism was carried out in 1954 by the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service against Hispanic migrants. Code named "Operation Wetback," this operation rounded up and deported undocumented Hispanic immigrants in select areas of California, Arizona, and Texas along the southern border. The U.S. Border Patrol later reported to Congress that more than 1.3 million people were deported to Mexico or had left the United States under the threat of deportation. Of course, "Wetback" was then and is now a racially derogatory term for a person of Hispanic descent.
Undocumented white migrants from Central and South America who entered the United States from Mexico were exempt from "Operation Wetback's" mass roundup and deportation. The same is true for undocumented white migrants from Europe who entered the country from Canada.
Today, undocumented migrants of color from Central and South America are crossing the southern border in surging numbers not seen in over 20 years. This surge has brought "Operation Wetback" back in full force, albeit under the politically correct name of "immigration reform."
Changing Demographics Drives America's Immigration Policies
America's immigration laws and policies have always favored letting white migrants come into the country, with very few restrictions, while limiting the number of migrants of color from all countries. For example, between 1862 and 1986, America placed advertisements in European newspapers that recruited white peasants throughout Europe to come to America. The new immigrants were given 160 acres of land -- for free -- if they located on land west of the Mississippi River that extended all the way to the California and Alaskan coastlines. In total, 270 million acres of free land was awarded to nearly three million white European migrants under the Homestead Act of 1862. This land was part of the 1.5 billion acres of territorial lands taken from Native Americans by force between 1830 and 1907.
To this day, the Homestead Act facilitated the greatest and longest government-sponsored wealth transfer program in U.S. history. It is also the single biggest factor in the creation of the wealth gap between blacks and whites in America today. No other ethnic group in the U.S. population has experienced anything like the 124-year wealth transfer that occurred under the Homestead Act.
In America, the accumulation of wealth confers upon its holder an important socio-economic standing in the community and a privileged lifestyle. Wealth derived from property ownership largely belongs to white Americans. The nation's political, legal, government, and financial institutions serve, grow, and protect this wealth. Whites have long used their majority status in the population to monopolize and perpetuate it.
A Historic Decline in the White Population
For the first time in U.S. history, the total white population numbers shrank below 60%, according to 2020 census data released last week. In 1980, 75% of the U.S. population was white. Falling birth-rates and rising deaths have produced a unique situation where the white population has had more deaths than births in the last decade.
Overall, the U.S. population grew by 7.4% over the last decade to 331 million Americans. Hispanics accounted for 51% of this ten-year population growth.
Those under the age of 18 totaled 73.1 million people, or 22.1% of the population in 2020. More than 47% of the under 18 population are non-white children and teenagers. This figure is up from the 35% reported in 2010.
Today, Hispanics represent the dominant ethnic minority group, with 62 million people or 18.7% of the U.S. population. African-Americans account for 41 million people, which represents 12.4% of the population. Americans who claim two or more races in any combination (a/k/a the multiracial U.S. population) account for 33.8 million people. Additionally, there are 20 million Asian-Americans, which represent 6% of the population. Finally, there are 3.7 million Native-Americans, which represent 1.1% of the population.
At its current rate of decline, the white population will drop below 50% by the 2040 census. Political efforts in recent years to stop or slow the "browning of America" have failed. These efforts have included, among other things: (a) banning abortions in the hope of boosting the white birth rate; (b) building a 2,000-mile wall along the southern border to prevent migrants of color from Central and South America from entering the country; (c) separating migrant children from their parents at the southern border; (d) curbing applications for political asylum from migrants of color; (e) increasing the incarceration of Americans of color while liberally exercising prosecutorial discretion to disproportionately benefit white non-violent criminal suspects; and (f) ramping up the execution of death sentences in capital cases, which impacts defendants of color in a disparate manner when compared to white defendants.
"Hell" is on the Horizon for Hispanics
Based upon past history and the perpetual negative attitude many whites hold about people of color, Hispanics in America are expected to catch pure hell from whites over the next two decades. They need only look at the experiences of Native-Americans to understand the kind of atrocities misguided whites are capable of committing in the name of "God," "Manifest Destiny," and "self-preservation."
The Native American population, which was estimated to be 60 million First Americans in the 1500s, has been reduced to less 3.7 million people today. This reduction is a direct result of the slaughter, forced relocation, and starvation of millions of Native-Americans over this five-hundred-year period. The Founding Fathers actually labeled Native-Americans "merciless Indian savages" in the Declaration of Independence.
If Hispanics need further proof of what whites may have in store for them on the horizon, they can study the history of African-Americans in the U.S. Noted historian and legal scholar James Q. Whitman investigated Adolf Hitler's institutional discrimination against the Jews in 1930s Germany and America's violence against people of color throughout U.S. history. Hitler concluded that America "was the leading racist jurisdiction" in the 1930s. Both the United States and Nazi Germany assaulted and killed their own citizens. As Whitman explains it, "Jews of Germany were hounded, beaten, and sometimes murdered by mobs and by the state alike. In the same years, the blacks of the American South were hounded, beaten, and murdered as well."
For more than 200 years, migrants of Asian descent were banned by law from entering the country, or were imprisoned and deported when found in America, and/or were placed in concentration camps during times of war. Many Asians were simply killed on sight by white racists who hated them. During World War II, hundreds of thousands of Asian-Americans had all of their property and possessions taken from them by the U.S. government by force.
Today, most whites are uncomfortable with a close socio-economic relationship with the growing Hispanic population for several reasons. First, most whites do not speak Spanish and they dislike not knowing what Hispanics are saying in their native language. Second, many whites only know Hispanics based on the way they are portrayed by demagogues, opportunistic politicians, and Hollywood movie producers as drug dealers, gang members, domestics, day laborers, and unworthy migrants who want to rape white women, steal personal property, peddle illegal drugs, and/or take jobs traditionally held by whites. Third, the birth rate of Hispanics vastly exceeds the birth rate of other ethnic groups primarily because the overwhelming majority of Hispanics are Catholics who believe that children are a gift from God.
Historically, every ethnic group that has been viewed by whites as a threat to their socio-economic security and privileged way of life in America has been demonized and decimated psychologically, economically, and physically by U.S. government policies and federal, state, and local law enforcement actions. Hispanics now have their turn on this "hot seat."
Unlike most African-Americans, Hispanics are not conditioned to be docile and subservient to white authority. They are unwilling to accept abusive behavior from a declining white majority. Furthermore, they are very cohesive as an ethnic group. They also believe in the healthy exercise of economic and political empowerment. They vote in large numbers, work hard, and save their money. They also take care of their families and communities first. For these reasons, they are emerging into a major political force to be reckoned with.
In the 2020s, I expect to see a progressive political alliance formed on the national scene among Hispanics, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Native-Americans, and whites of interracial goodwill. This alliance likely represents the new "majority" group in American politics. I am actively working every day to usher in this new political alliance of historically despised and abused ethnic minority groups. In my view, this is the only way to end systemic racism and longstanding white privilege in America's core institutions.

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