By: Donald V. Watkins
Copyrighted and Published on May 24, 2024

Setting and pursing family goals is critical to success in life. Goal setting ensures the growth and sustainability of each generation of a family.
In the Carmichael/Varnado/Watkins family, we have practiced goal setting for six generations. It has guided our family’s destiny in America since the 1830s. Goal setting is instilled in every generation.
These are the family goals we have already achieved:
1. We have fully documented the Carmichael/Varnado/Watkins family history in America dating back to the 1830s. This history is taught to every generation of family members.
2. On the Carmichael/Varnado side of the family, every direct family member has attained a college education since slavery ended in America in 1865.
3. Family members in the South registered to vote and voted in elections long before the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. They overcame every racial barrier that was erected to prevent them from voting.
4. Family members in the South desegregated institutions of higher education in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s.
5. We have established and funded academic scholarships at more than six colleges and universities in the United States.
6. We have invented numerous devices, procedures, and algorithms that are in daily use in medicine and business today.
7. We have established a strong and growing presence in international business.
8. We have provided lifecare in medicine for more than three million people worldwide.
9. We have established and operated multimedia news organizations since 1935.
10. We have headed and accredited many colleges, universities, and public schools.
11. We have pioneered in the civil and women’s rights movements in America.
12. Since 1865, we have always stood up for the “least of these, my brethren,” without hesitation or reservation.
These are the family goals currently being worked on:
1. We are working to acquire and own a National Football League team.
2. We are working to executive produce documentary films on important matters of significant public interests to humanity.
3. We are striving to win the first-ever Nobel Prizes in Medicine and Physics that are awarded to African Americans.
We are truly a blessed family and we have always shared our blessings with the rest of humanity.
Never have so few people accomplished so much with such limited resources. Our family's history in America is littered with accomplishments that outsiders said were impossible for us to achieve. This is why we never need or seek validation of our self-worth from anyone outside of our family.